Subject: Win The Best Reader’s Jackpot of the Year!
You could win The Best Reader’s Jackpot of the Year! How? Send me the funniest clean joke you know.
First Prize is 7 Novels!
Erotic Romance: Insufficient Mating Material by Rowena Cherry
Sci-Fi/Futuristic: Acknowledging Meirion by Zenobia Renquist
Mainstream Fantasy: Ivory Sword by A.A. Wolfner
Mainstream Fantasy: Bronze Sword by A.A. Wolfner
Historical Romance: Aphrodite’s Brew by Delle Jacobs
Sweet Romance: Make Believe Bride by Kelly McDonough
Sizzling Romance: Country Heat: Wolf in the Shadows by me, Biana Kingsley
Second Prize is 4 Novels!
Romantic Comedy: Heaving Bosoms by Ashlyn Chase
Mainstream Fantasy: Guardians of Eternity 1: Rogar of Hamun by Belinda Palmer
Erotic Romance: Secrets Vol 18 with a story by Linda Gayle
Sizzling Romance: Country Heat 1: Wolf in the Shadows by Biana Kingsley
And a Mystery Gift.
To see The Best Reader’s Jackpot novels and the author’s links, visit Biana’s Vault:
The Rules Are:
No racial, religious or dirty jokes. And no jokes that are politically incorrect in general. We all find them funny, but please don’t submit them. Words like hell and damn and ass are okay, but none of the more colorful cuss words.
It’s okay to use a joke from a magazine or other source, just please give the author credit by identifying name and the source of the joke.
Entrants may enter up to three times, in three separate emails.
The Best Reader’s Jackpot contest will run from Oct. 19th thru Nov. 19th.
That’s a full month to dig up the funniest joke you can! Good Luck.
The clean winning joke will be posted on my public website: on my special contest joke page.
Here is my eMail: On the subject line, please put ‘The Best Reader’s Contest Joke’
Biana Kingsley
Everyone has permission, and is encouraged, to post The Best Reader’s Jackpot Contest info on any website, blogs, etc. Don’t think of it as helping your friends win the prize you want, think